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    Our Greatest Surprise

    Never ever thought I’d be sitting down to write this post. Talk about life throwing you a curve ball.Where to begin. Some Background… I guess I should back up for those who may not be familiar with our journey. We have two amazing daughters, Charlie and Quinn who are both IVF babies. You can read in depth about our journeys to our girls here and here. But to sum it up- after not getting pregnant naturally, we tried medicated cycles, IUIs, then upon finding I had a blocked fallopian tube, underwent an exploratory lap. That’s where the doctor found stage three endometriosis growing on my uterus, fallopian tube and ovaries.…

  • Infertility,  Uncategorized

    Quarantined with Quinn: A Birth Story

    My sweet Quinn Marie. As I write this, just days before your first birthday, it still feels surreal that you are here and all ours. AND that a year has gone by. You have been growing and becoming your own little person right under our very eyes. And we couldn’t love you more. Your birth story is a special one. It happened during a unique time in history, where the world was quiet, frozen in time. We prayed for you. And fought for you. And longed for you deeply. Every moment since the day of your conception, you have been fiercely loved. Our family needed you. The world needed you.…

  • Beauty,  Clean Living,  Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    Maternity Must-Haves

    Well… it’s hard to believe but my days of this pregnancy are numbered. Such a mix of emotions.. excited, anxious, bittersweet, thankful… you name it. Since I’ve had two pregnancies in the last 3 years, I want to make sure I make this list before I forget what items were so crucial to me. Being pregnant opens up a whole new world to a woman… and an overwhelming one at that. Millions of options for things you didn’t even know you needed. Your body goes through so many changes… and with that so does your wardrobe, skincare, medications… you name it. This list is a thorough compilation of the items…

  • Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    Our Story

    “Tell him you’re busy… for the rest of your life”. I’ll never forget Chip’s words when he learned that I’d moved on after he moved to Costa Rica and then subsequently broke up with me. Those words were a defining moment for us. Months later we were not only back together, but he had moved from Costa Rica to NYC and asked me to join him. I quit my job and moved across the country to be with him. Talk about taking a leap for love… Let me back things up a bit. First you need to know, this is not your “high school sweetheart” love story… nor is it…