• Raising Charlie

    FREE or Cheap Learning Experiences for Baby!

    Parenting can seem overwhelming. There’s so much information coming at you from all angles… buy this, do this, don’t do that, go here, eat this, watch out for that. All parents want the same thing- to raise happy, healthy, well-rounded human beings that will one day be successful adults. Because of this, us parents are easy targets for marketing gimmicks. And I’ve definitely fallen in that trap. Social media also shows all the cool stuff everyone else is doing, the latest and greatest of everything. This can create “mom guilt” and feelings of insecurity. I have found myself wondering if I should be doing things like that with my child.…

  • Lifestyle

    A Trip to Remember

    I’ll never forget the smell of my grandparent’s house. You know, that smell you can’t put a name to but just embodies coziness? I even remember the smell of their garage in Joliet, gasoline and fertilizer. I loved it. We used to take epic road trips there every summer. I was young, but will always remember the tractor rides my grandpa would take us on down their street-memories I’ll always cherish. Once they moved to Thomasville, where my aunt, uncle and cousins live, we got to see them much more. And boy did I love those visits. My latest visit to Thomasville was a different one. On this trip, we…

  • Clean Living,  Infertility,  Lifestyle

    How I Prepared My Body for Pregnancy

    Happy Fall, Y’all! Temps in Georgia have finally dropped (kinda) and boy it is a nice change. We are currently in full pumpkin spice mode and doing all the things for Charlie’s first fall. In addition to some fall festivities, I also managed to get some self-care in too- my FIRST haircut since having Charlie (don’t judge) and my weekly workout class at the gym. It was during this class when I realized that I was able to do moves and poses that I could barely do when I began the class two years ago. It made me feel so empowered knowing that my post baby body is even stronger…

  • Raising Charlie

    8 Daily Brain Boosters for Baby

      TEACHER NERD ALERT!  For those of you that don’t know my background, I hold a M.Ed in Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in diagnosing and teaching students with language based learning differences. For the last 8 years I taught 5th grade in a specialized setting. I am now a full time mom and loving every moment, but let’s be real, being a mom IS being a teacher. While I have taken countless courses and read at length about child development, it’s a whole other experience to witness it first hand and it is absolutely awesome. My Charlie is 10 months old (excuse me while I go cry in…

  • Beauty

    Look Like a Dime Piece on a Dime

      Being that my last post was a heavy one, I wanted to speak on something a bit lighter this go ’round… first, let’s be clear… I am no beauty guru or authority on makeup. At all. In fact, even typing this feels blasphemous as I am sporting little makeup, a messy bun and workout clothes (despite not working out). What I am, however, is a complete skincare freak and product junkie (in remission now due to budget and time restraints). When we lived in NYC, we were just blocks from the Times Square Sephora. I would go more than I should probably admit, sample everything and spend too much…