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Quarantined with Quinn: A Birth Story

My sweet Quinn Marie. As I write this, just days before your first birthday, it still feels surreal that you are here and all ours. AND that a year has gone by. You have been growing and becoming your own little person right under our very eyes. And we couldn’t love you more.

Your birth story is a special one. It happened during a unique time in history, where the world was quiet, frozen in time. We prayed for you. And fought for you. And longed for you deeply. Every moment since the day of your conception, you have been fiercely loved. Our family needed you. The world needed you. And Quinn, you came at just the right time.

Pregnant in a Pandemic

When I was seven months pregnant with you, the pandemic began. We had no idea how much our lives would change, or what that would mean for us. We spent the duration of our pregnancy quarantined at home. Your dad, big sister and I soaked up that time as we eagerly prepared for you.

I had to attend all of my appointments masked, gloved and alone. Some appointments were actually done virtually. It was a scary time and I was protective of you. So home we stayed. We were told that the hospitals were enforcing strict protocols. We also knew that we wouldn’t be able to share you with the world right away. That we would go back into quarantine. Quarantine with Quinn.

Right on Time

It was a Sunday, May 3rd and I was a day shy of 40 weeks pregnant. If you didn’t come on your own, we were scheduled to be induced later that evening. We called and came in early that day after I had some leaking. This same thing happened before your sister was born, so we wanted to make sure everything was ok.

Right before we headed to the hospital. About to pop!

Your dad and I eagerly went to the hospital. I vividly remember the feeling. It felt like a thousand Christmas Eves. Anticipating you. You were so healthy in the womb, I hadn’t even had many ultrasounds. I couldn’t wait to see you and hold you! It was the height of the pandemic in Georgia, known as “peak week” and we weren’t sure quite what to expect at the hospital. I was prepared to deliver you without your dad in the room.

We arrived at the hospital around 1:00pm, wearing masks and gloves. We were immediately checked for signs and symptoms of the virus and were given new masks. Phew, your dad was allowed in. We were on strict lockdown. We were to stay in our room and masked at all times.

We had just arrived at the hospital and were waiting to be taken to our room.

But none of that mattered to me. I was just eager to have you. Once we got into the room and I was examined; the leaking I was having was normal and not a sign for concern. Another relief! While they were checking your vitals, the nurse asked me if I felt ok. I responded, “yes, why?” and she said “Because, honey, you just had three contractions”. I was in labor! You were on your way, and right on time!

We had the option of speeding things up to medically induce your arrival, but I chose not to. I trusted my body and I knew you would come on your own time. I didn’t want to force it. Instead, we tried some natural things to help ease your way down-including a very painful (and unsuccessful) membrane sweep, and an enema, which helped bring about more contractions.Slowly but surely, you were on your way. My cervix need a little help thinning out, so at around 5:00pm, I took a pill to help. I was to take this pill every four hours, though you would soon prove that wouldn’t be necessary!

By 9:00pm, my contractions were much more intense and close together. I held off on pain medication as long as I could. I made a playlist of songs that brought me joy and listened to it with headphones while we labored in the dark. I would squeeze my pillow, never losing sight of the end goal.

Ready to go!

The contractions got more and more powerful and I began to tremble. It was around that time when I took some medicine to ease the pain. Well, that medicine didn’t help long, because you were making your way!
At around 1:00am it was time for the epidural. I was trembling so hard I could barely stay still! But holding your dad’s hands, we did it. Immediately, I felt much relief. And I was even able to nap a little bit- though a couple low blood pressure alarms made restful sleep hard.

It was around this time that my water broke during a contraction. It felt like a water ballon had burst! And things happened fast from there. At 3:00am I felt an intense low pressure. I remember telling the nurse I was going to need to push soon. She told me that it would take more time, but after checking me she quickly went to find the midwife. Due to meconium in your water, we had to have a few extra helpers in the room.

The Mighty Quinn

By 3:15am, the midwife was not yet in the room and I made it very clear to everyone that it was time to push and that I was going to have to push this baby out regardless! A few minutes later the midwife finally came in. She had me wait through a contraction before I could push, which was so hard. But then, it was time! After breathing and pushing through ONE contraction your head and shoulders were out! And on my second contraction, at 3:22am on your due date, Monday, May 4th, you were born. I heard your strong cry before I saw you. Then you were placed on my chest. Quinn Marie Grigsby. You weighed 7.15oz and were 21.5 In long. You were perfect. I couldn’t believe how much you looked like your sister! But also different! For so long I’d tried to imagine your face and here it was. I remember feeling so groggy from the medicine, but flooded with pure joy and love for you. You found my breast latched Instantly! All the nurses were impressed!

From there, we were in pure baby bliss. You got your bath, got all bundled up and we headed to our new room together. Where we would nurse and sleep on repeat. We were still in lockdown, but it didn’t matter to me. I remember feeling so anxious when they took you out for a checkup. I was in full protection mode. You were a hardworking breastfeeder and needed a paci to sleep, just like your sister! We held you, admired you and soaked you in. I even forgot about the pandemic and the lockdown. Since you were born in the middle of the night, your dad and I didnt sleep for almost 2 days! We were exhausted, but joyful.

Per the advice of my doctor, we left the hospital after only 24 hours! She wanted us to return home to reduce our risk of exposure to the virus. We were eager to get you home so you could meet your big sister.

Bundled up and ready to go home!

Upon arrival, you met your big sister Charlie, who was two and a half, in the foyer of our home. She placed a lovie on you and said, “that’s my baby!” She kissed you, and kept saying “look at her!” It was love at first sight.
The rest was history. You were instantly a part of us. And like things were the way there were always supposed to be. You truly complete us.

Quinnie’s First Year

Since then a year has passed.

In the first few months you wanted to be held by me, most all the time. We nursed round the clock, and you like being held and comforted during the night. You slept by our bedside, but even that wasnt close enough.

The hardest part of having you during the pandemic was not being able to share you with our families. They looked at you from afar, but no one held you until several weeks after you were born. You didn’t like other people holding you and for most of your first year you were a mama’s girl. We remained quarantined and socially distanced for several months. I chose to view that time as uninterrupted quality time, and looking back, I’m so grateful for that time. We had nowhere to be, noone to see, just home with our family.

Recently, you have really started coming out of your shell! You are crawling everywhere, climbing everything, waving, clapping, saying words like “mama”, “dada”, “buh” (bottle), and growling at animals. You LOVE being around other babies and have become more comfortable with other people holding you. You are silly, affectionate, curious, tender and sweet. You LOVE your big sister and light up around her. The two of you run around like crazy- you in your walker and her on her bike. Charlie adores you. You are “Quinnie” to us. Or “Quinnie the Pooh”, “Quinn Marie” or as you sister likes to call you, “Quinnie Maria”. You are blonde, hazel eyed, olive complected, 8 teeth and absolutely beautiful!

We actually still co-sleep during your 4am wake ups….and while I’m exhausted, I cherish it. One day you will be too big to hold, so I’m soaking up every moment with you.

Quinnie, you are our miracle and a dream come true. While its hard watching you grow so fast, I love watching you learn and grow.

I love you always and forever,


One Comment

  • Barbara Thompson

    That is so sweet! Caroline, congrats on your beautiful family and Happy 1st Birthday to Quinn on May 4th!

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