• Infertility,  Lifestyle,  Raising Charlie

    A Letter to My Daughter: The Story of Your Birth

    My Dearest Charlie, You are a miracle. And the day you were born was nothing short of miraculous. A day that your father and I will remember always. I’d been dreaming of being your mommy for as long as I can remember…but I had to wait. Your father and I fell in love and wanted nothing more than to bring you into the world….but we had to wait. So that’s exactly what we did. You were created out of love, perseverance, patience and hope. When we finally learned that you were growing inside of me, we (blissfully) waited some more. Carrying you was the most amazing experience. I cherished every…

  • Infertility,  Lifestyle,  Raising Charlie

    How I Prevented Stretch Marks…. and Defied Genetics

    In a few weeks, my sweet Charlie will turn ONE (excuse me while I go cry in the corner). But seriously, it’s CRAZY how fast it’s going. I am already mourning the end of the baby year, but of course I’m so excited to celebrate our girl and experience the milestones to come. Facebook and Google Photos keep showing pics from one year ago… when I was almost 9 months pregnant. It’s really something else to look back and see your body, in such a drastically different state and realize how much it has transformed. This got me thinking about something that is on many pregnant (or soon to be…

  • Infertility

    What NOT to Say to Someone Trying to Get Pregnant

      “It’s time to start trying for another…” “Are you going to have more children?”   “She’s going to need a playmate soon…” Now that Charlie is approaching one year old (*gasp*), I’m amazed by how many strangers let me know that it’s time for me to have a second child. While these are good people that mean well…. they are unaware of the sting of those comments. If you are familiar with my story, you know that we are so beyond grateful for our miracle baby. Women like me, however, don’t have the luxury of simply deciding its time to have another. While we would love to have more…