Clean Living,  Infertility,  Lifestyle

How I Prepared My Body for Pregnancy

Happy Fall, Y’all! Temps in Georgia have finally dropped (kinda) and boy it is a nice change. We are currently in full pumpkin spice mode and doing all the things for Charlie’s first fall. In addition to some fall festivities, I also managed to get some self-care in too- my FIRST haircut since having Charlie (don’t judge) and my weekly workout class at the gym. It was during this class when I realized that I was able to do moves and poses that I could barely do when I began the class two years ago. It made me feel so empowered knowing that my post baby body is even stronger than my pre baby body! Facebook also reminded me that my baby shower for our sweet girl was exactly one year ago! It was so fun reminiscing at those pictures… I loved my pregnant body so much. I wanted to share how I prepared my body for pregnancy because I truly believe that the things I did contributed to not only a super healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery, but also in bouncing back post baby.

If you are familiar with my story, you know that my husband and I struggled with infertility and it was ultimately IVF that gave us our precious Charlie girl. At around the time we began seeking fertility assistance is when I began to make major lifestyle changes. Then, following my diagnosis of Endometriosis, I made even more. I am by no means an expert in this field or claiming to know what’s best for anyone. But, the changes I made helped get me to my healthiest and strongest place, physically. Any of the things I mention below could help prepare any woman for pregnancy, fertility issues or not .

Being healthy is so important at the time of pregnancy because that puts you and the baby at less risk of issues. Being pregnant is a major stress on your body- your pelvis expands, your ligaments stretch, and did you know that a pregnant woman’s blood volume just about DOUBLES? Meaning your heart has to work twice as hard. If you are wanting to bounce back after pregnancy (um, who doesn’t?) then being at a weight you are happy with beforehand SO much easier on the other end.

(Some of the items may seem more extreme… Because they are. Keep in mind that those were things I began after starting infertility treatments )

  1. Group Centergy or Body Flow Class

I should probably do a whole separate post altogether about this class because that’s how much it changed my life. No joke, this class helped me get through the toughest time in my life both physically and emotionally. Not only did it center my spirit but also it strengthened my body, alleviated my lower back pain and increased my flexibility and balance. Someone needs to start cutting me a commission from how much I talk about this class, no joke. It is called Group Centergy  or Body Flow depending on the provider (Mossa or Les Mills). It is a fusion of yoga, Pilates and tai chi and I am hooked for life.

At my gym, this class is taught in the dark (bonus when you’ve literally just rolled out of bed) and one teacher even sprays the mats with lavender before beginning…. ahhhh. Throughout the class, the focus is on the breath and connecting it to movement. It’s a chance for me to zone out and just connect with my body. It consists of 12 songs (always great mixes of currents and classics), each song focusing on a different area of the body:

  1. Focus– a warm up song focusing on breath and stretching, usually squats
  2. Salutations– yoga flow consisting of down dog/plank to up dog to uplifting music.
  3. Challenge– HOLY THIGHS AND BUTT. Sun warrior/extended warrior and legs on fire. Always sore the next day from this.
  4. Balance– Standing on one leg and holding poses to super chill, soulful tracks (think Oasis Wonderwall acoustic)
  5. Core Back– Planks, planks and did I mention planks? Most of this track is spent on your belly- focusing on your shoulders and back muscles, think swimming in the air. This truly has given me core strength I never knew I had.
  6. Core Front– All about the abs- crunches, obliques, bicycles etc. Super great core workout! I have some ab definition… what??
  7. Hips– Deep lunges and moves to stretch, lengthen and strengthen the hips…. What could be better when preparing to carry and then push a small human through your hips??
  8. Spirals– all about ringing out the spine and increasing range of motion in the neck and back…. Feels AMAZING
  9. Folds – A final stretch of the hamstrings, legs, back and sides to super chill music. Feels incredible after busting your butt
  10. Restore– Meditation time!! You lay on your mat, in the dark, listening to meditation music (think wind chimes and gong type stuff). I use this time to practice deep breathing and say a prayer.

I feel like lots of people may dismiss this class at first thinking it’s easy… let me tell ya…. It’s not. I took my husband once aaaaand he hasn’t been back since. I don’t think he liked being showed up by his pregnant wife.

I began taking this class about 8 months before getting pregnant. I took it 3 -5 days a week. Once pregnant, I continued to take it until I couldn’t anymore, with the exception of the abs portion. Obviously, exercise of any form is good. The key for me was that body/mind connection as well as core focus. But I can’t stress it enough GET IN SHAPE BEFORE GETTING PREGGO! I’ll never forget the moment during labor after my first push when the midwife told me that if I “keep pushing like that, this baby is going to be here in no time”… 30 minutes later Charlie was here!

Straight flexin (taken 6 months before pregnancy)

Check out a sneak peek of what it looks like in action.

Find a Group Centergy class near you.

  1. Started Taking Prenatals and Coq10

In addition to starting prescription prenatals, I began taking coq10, as recommended by my reproductive endocrinologist. Had I not been going through fertility treatments, I wouldn’t have known this, but a high quality form of this helps promote egg quality. Wish I woulda known years ago! The key to getting (and staying) pregnant is egg quality… if you are starting late in the game, around 30, then this is especially important. My doc also had me take a baby aspirin everyday to encourage blood flow to the uterus.

  1. Cut out Caffeine & Alcohol (and cigs if you smoke, duh)

I know what you are thinking. That’s extreme. And it was. Again, had I not been struggling with infertility I wouldn’t have taken such drastic measures, but after learning I had endometriosis I began lots of research about the impact diet has. Turns out, much of what we eat on a daily basis is crap. Endo creates inflammation, thus making the uterus and ovaries a hostile place. Both alcohol and caffeine create inflammation in the body, so I cut it. I tapered off coffee to green tea, then ultimately organic red raspberry leaf tea, which is great at toning the uterus.

  1. Limited Dairy, Soy and Wheat

Same thing as with alcohol and caffeine, dairy and wheat create inflammation in the body. Side note- y’all… if you’ve never cut dairy out of your diet I encourage you to give it a try. I’ve never felt better and had ZERO bloat (but I sure did miss my nightly ice cream fix). If you didn’t know, soy is an endocrine disrupter, meaning that your body processes it as estrogen-throwing off your hormonal balance. Endo is estrogen driven so any extra estrogen is no bueno. You won’t believe all the stuff that soy is hidden in that you eat everyday. I found it impossible to cut it completely but made conscious choices. No more edamame for me (note- Oxybenzone in sunscreens does the same thing). I am a carbs gal.. and crave it. I could never cut it entirely but tried to only have whole grain and very limited. *Once I got pregnant I slowly started eating these things because I wanted to expose my growing baby to all kids of allergens.

  1. Acupuncture/Cupping

It was recommended during infertility to see an acupuncturist to help prepare the uterus and body to aid in getting pregnant. Did this really paly a part? Who knows… but it sure was relaxing as hell and couldn’t have hurt! The tiny needles may seem freakish but they felt so good. She would put them over my uterine region, place a heat lamp over top, turn on spa music and leave me in a dark room for 20 minutes. ENTER SANDMAN. Ok, so I’m probably going to lose some people here, but my acupuncturist was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, which if your not familiar is SUPER cool and completely different from what us Westerners view as medicine. She could tell how I was feeling based on how my pulse felt and how my tongue looked…. It seemed crazy, but she was always right!! She kept close track of what I ate and wanted me to drink a green smoothie everyday (kale, cucumber, tomato, apple, walnuts, flax, aloe) followed by a small serving of red meat. Not gonna lie the smoothie didn’t taste good and required lots of prep. But I felt good drinking it because I knew I was putting goodness into my body. Other things she wanted me to eat: mung beans, gogi berries, LOTS of greens and hot water with rose buds and tangerine peel.

  1. Meditation/ Prayer

The whole process of trying to get pregnant and then struggling with infertility and learning I have endometriosis was A LOT to go through emotionally. My anxiety skyrocketed so I had to work hard to stay ahead if it. I always say that anxiety is a beast… if you don’t fight it, it will consume you. I downloaded meditation apps, and would meditate every morning for a few minutes before work. I also prayed… alot. Lastly, I would listen to music that brought me joy. Have you ever seen The Holiday with Kate Winslet and Jude Law? That soundtrack is PURE HAPPINESS.

  1. Assess Current Meds

I was sad to stop using my Retinol (skin care FREAK), but that stuff is a no-no for pregnant woman, so I wanted it out of my system. If you are like me and take anti-depressants, it’s time to weigh your options there. Some of these are a no-go for pregnancy and others are considered safe. Talk to your doctor and make a plan. Waiting until your pregnant and then going off an anti-depressant could be rough.

What About Men??

Believe it or not, there are things guys can do to boost their sperm count and quality. Alcohol, cigarettes, bike riding, tight pants and sitting in saunas can affect their little swimmers. Daily vitamins, healthy diet and a zinc supplement are all helpful as well. Many couples that struggle with infertility deal with “male factor infertility”- low sperm count, poor sperm motility, etc.

Am I suggesting that someone do all this before getting pregnant? NO. Let’s be real, most women will get pregnant before they make any changes. But I would say that #’s 1, 2, 7 and 8 are all good ideas for those who are ready to start “trying”.

It’s also a good idea to go to your OBGYN before you start trying to discuss all of this too.

I hope this post was helpful in one way or another to someone. To the women about to embark on this journey, I send you fertile wishes. But remember, if you (unwillingly) happen to find yourself a member of the “one out of eight club” of women that do struggle, science is real and there are options. You CAN have a baby one way or another!

Now off for more pumpkin spice,


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