Beauty,  Clean Living

Oil Cleansing 101: and Why I Ditched the Soap

Dear Soap,

You are wonderful at doing many things… stripping oils being the best. I’ve had you in many scents over the years… from bubble gum to Winter Berry to unscented. But the truth is, even the safest version of you is still not good for me. I will no longer allow you to strip the oils off of my 30 something- starting to show signs of aging- face and body. While I always thought bacteria was gross, I realize now that in order for my body to be functioning at full capacity…. I NEED my good bacteria. And I won’t let you wash it away any more. Though, I will still use you (unscented) for my pits and bits.


File your Irish Spring and body wash under the category of “Stuff I’ve used my whole life that I thought I needed, but really may be doing more harm than good.”

I get that some of y’all are thinking I’ve totally lost it with this one. It’s hard to shift the way you have viewed cleanliness your entire life. No bubbles? No Island Breeze scent? No squeaky clean?… I ask for you to read this post with an open mind…

The 411 on Soap

“Using a harsh bar soap with a high pH can literally eat away the outer, protective layer of skin, which is loaded with hydrating proteins and fatty acids. Destroying this barrier leaves the skin sullen, easily inflamed, and hyper-reactive.”

Good Housekeeping

Soaps with more neutral PH’s like Dove are better options, but even those can be drying.. and any soap with an added fragrance exposes you to the thousands of chemicals that went in to making that ONE word ingredient: fragrance. Believe me, the hardest part about ditching soap was losing the powdery smell of a scented Dove Bar (people with eczema or sensitive skin should avoid fragrances at all costs).

Our skin is our largest organ and our body’s first defense to the outside world. We are crawling with countless bacteria that help fight defend us and keep us in balance, called our micro biome. By stripping our skin of its outermost layer, including some of this beneficial bacteria, we are already leaving our bodies wide open to the elements- sun damage, harmful bacteria, virus, allergens, dryness… you name it.

I used to use soap with a washcloth to get squeaky clean, then follow that with a body wash to “moisturize” then follow that with a lotion to add more moisture back. ALL of those packed with fragrance. I thought I was clean. My skin now feels softer than ever and my routine couldn’t be easier or cheaper!

True story, my dad was having super dry skin with itchy patches and spots all over. The first thing the dermatologist told him to do was to ditch his Irish Spring…. guess what? It took days for it to show improvement. He instead switched to non foaming, fragrance free, gentle face cleanser and still uses that all over. Note- even gentle cleansers like Cetaphil contain parabens. Check your labels!

TMI Warning…

I DO still use unscented soap on my “pits and bits”. But ladies…. BE CAREFUL when washing your lady parts. In reading “Renegade Beauty” by Nadine there was a whole chapter on the vagina and it was pretty incredible. Did you know that the vagina is self cleansing? That our body produces different fluids with different PH’s at certain points in our cycle with the soul purpose to cleanse? Its pretty incredible. Any douching, or harsh soaps throw off that beautiful cycle. Even washes geared toward lady parts are packed with fragrance…don’t buy into the marketing hype.

But Can Oil do the Job?

Yes. And then some. I know people shy away from oil because they think it’s going to make them oily, or cause acne. But the truth is… its quite the opposite. Think of it this way, like attracts like. So cleansing with oil will actually PULL excess oils from the skin, except without stripping all the good stuff. Oil cleansing, believe it or not, provides a deep clean. You may not feel squeaky- but thats jist a false notion of clean weve come to think is normal. You will instead be left with clean, hydrated skin that has been nourished and protected by the natural antioxidants it provides. If the skin is constantly stripped, your body thinks it needs to produce more oil, throwin goff your natural balance and for many people this creates clogged pores, acne, oily or dry skin.

Benefits of Oil Cleansing:
– Cleanse poors, without clogging
– heal acne
– balance oil production
– hydrate the skin
– protect our skins outermost layer, provide antioxidants
– certain oils provide anti-fungal/anti-bacterial properties (again why its GOOD for acne)
– prevent early signs of aging
– remove makeup

Types of Oil

Ok, so because oil cleansing is becoming mainstream, many companies are putting out their versions of oil cleansers. But don’t be fooled. You want a PURE oil. Without added alcohols, fragrances etc.

In general, oils that are considered good for oil cleansing include: Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Argan and Grapeseed Oil.

Jojoba oil is a great oil for all skin types. Trader Joe’s makes a good one! Here is an organic one that many have found success with (bonus: my husband uses it on his beard).

Currently, I’m being bougie and splurged on an oil cleanser I’ve been oogling over. Gisele and tons of other celebs have helped make this a cult classic. It’s called Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever, and it’s made by the oil guru Nadine Artemis’ company, Living Libations. Just reading the reviews on this stuff will make you want to sell a kidney to buy more. These are the most PURE oils you are going to find. They aren’t cheap, but are spa quality… and you will literally smell like a spa. In addition to the Seabuckthorn, she has several other types of “Best Skin Ever” products. I also have the Frankincense as it’s good for dark spots (damn you, Melasma). I gifted my mother and mother in law the rose one and they both love it. I also own a couple of her serums and creams and holy wow they are heavenly.

Muslin cloths like the ones below are suggested, but I usually just use a regular washcloth…

Oil Cleansing my Face

Here’s how I do it. CRAZY SIMPLE:

Step 1: I choose to remove my eye makeup first then wipe it away. I do this with “>my favorite makeup remover wipes. This step just helps save my washcloth from getting to grody and I don’t want to rub mascara all around my face. But many skip this step altogether!

Step 2: I rub the oil onto my face, massaging all around for almost a minute. The massage is good for blood flow to the face!

OPTIONAL: You can take a warm or hot washcloth and drape it over your face. The steam helps the oil loosen up all the dirt and gunk in your pores. And this also feels HEAVENLY.

Step 3: Using a clean, wet washcloth, start wiping the oil off of your face. I use sections of the washcloth for sections of my face, and I apply moderate pressure for added exfoliation, and move in circular motions.

Step 4: Splash face with water. You can pat dry OR if you want some added moisture, rub in whats left on your face.

*** This is what I do every evening. Since oil cleansing, I no longer find a need to cleanse again in the morning, so I simply splash my face with water and carry on with my skincare routine.

Oil Cleansing My Body

I loved the way my face felt so much after cleansing, that I went for the whole body. I was a little nervous at first… Would I be greasy? Would this make the tub an oil slick? Would I smell?

NOPE NOPE AND NOPE. I think I’ve perfected how to do this and highly recommend. If no other part of your body, I’d definitely try this method on your legs. It gives you the most amazing shave and NO need for shave gel! And if you aren’t down for oil cleansing, you should still use the gloves a few times a week for a healthy exfoliation.

Here’s what you need:

Here’s what you do:

Step 1: Put on the gloves and squirt TWO- THREE pumps of oil into the gloves. Rubbing together to coat gloves.

Step 2: Start wiping your body in sweeping motions, always toward the heart (similar to dry brushing, motioning towards the heart helps stimulate blood flow and boost lymphatic system).

Step 3: Do this over the entire body and feet. I press pretty firmly because I like the exfoliation.

** I don’t do this everyday, but more like every other or every two days. On the days in between, I just let the water run over me and will just wash pits and bits. If you do this everyday, be gentle with the gloves, or use a soft washcloth.

Step 4: Upon getting out of the shower, don’t rub dry, but let yourself air dry if possible, soaking in all the goodness. I NO LONGER USE BODY LOTION with the exception of my legs from the knees down after shaving. I use Aveeno Unscented, or just add a little more almond oil while legs are damp.

What About Washing your hands?

We’ve been told that antibacterial soap is the way to go. But a former student of mine’s father was a field expert for the CDC specializing in contagious disease and told me that using ANY soap and WARM water, and washing long enough to sing happy birthday was effective, antibacterial or not. He also said that most of the germs lie below our fingernails and to scrub them with a brush when you wash. I literally have a

If you’ve stuck with me this long… thank you! I hope this shed some light on what it means to be CLEAN. This has been an easy, safe swap for me that has not only benefitted my skin, but has simplified my routine AND saved me money.

Happy Cleansing!


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