• Raising Charlie

    Super Simple Sensory Play

    I hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I took a couple of weeks off the blog, but I’m baaaaack. We had a wonderful Christmas with family, and Charlie took her first few steps! And for what it’s worth, or for those of you who read my last post… I’m still binging Hallmark movies. If you are like me, then you are finding yourself a bit out of sorts. Experiencing this post Christmas/pre- New Years time period where you are in a food coma from constant carbs and sugar, aren’t quite sure what day it is and are procrastinating taking Christmas down (so depressing). Also, if you’re anything like me then…

  • Lifestyle

    ‘Tis the Season to be Bingey!

    Some couples train for and run marathons together. We are not that couple. We do, however, showcase similar determination and perseverance when it comes to another important hobby…. TV watching. Yes, that’s right, I called it a hobby. When my husband and I were dating, before “binge watching” was even a term,  we lost about two weeks of our life watching the entire series of  Lost,  (still remains one of the all time best shows ever). I remember my roommate thinking we were such weirdos because we didn’t leave my room except to get food (shoutout to Melissa). Then we lived in NYC for a few years and while we…